jewellery - The Finer things ♡

Jewellery is a HUGE love of mine, I never can quite walk past shiny things and have been collecting for years,  as a result my now somewhat extensive collection is constantly overflowing from my jewellery boxes (also ever expanding as a necessity!)

At the minute I'm really favouring finer styles, in silver and rose gold, especially the more fashiony pieces such as midi rings, ear crawlers and front and back earrings.
I've always loved the look of semi precious,  all the more fabulous in a cocktail ring (Missoma are a brand who have a particularly beautiful collection) and Lola Rose for chunky agate pieces.

You cant go wrong with Monica Vinader for beautiful fine jewellery, I treasure my rose gold J and I'm hoping to get some more pieces for my birthday (leaving those not so subtle hints about) - the stacking ring styles are seriously gorgeous. I also love the fine costume jewellery style of Orelia jewellery, design led beautiful jewellery just without the heftier price tag.

My costume jewellery collection is also getting slightly uncontrollable - but who can turn down a vintage chandelier earring or a Swarovski encrusted collar? Clearly not me! But thats for another post.

What kind of jewellery gal are you and what are you currently wearing?

J xx

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